Vision TropiNutriCell Orchard!
 Visionary Investment Partners

We have a vision worth working for and could really use some help.
This role would be financially impossible to develop by ourselves.
Can you please help us?

· USE AS FLAVORING IN: Juices | Ice Cream | Frozen Products | Fruit Cakes and the like

Presently, we are looking to raise funds to acquire and develop land in Jamaica. to create a massive Tropical Fruit Orchard to cultivate the “soursop fruit" TO MEET THE NEEDS OF THE FUTURE GENTRATION. Our intent is to begin a much-needed enterprise that will create a new product line, from a rare exotic plant and fruit known to work superbly well towards nurturing the human BODY. This will reward us the privilege of adding our NEW line of products into the:
• Baking
• Drinks
• Frozen dessert
• Ice cream
• BLENDED Juices
• Pastry spread
• As well as many other food services, within the food industry
• And especially in the international market.

The most important reason for us going into business IS we saw the opportunity to establish a much-needed enterprise, one that will begin by cultivating a rare multi-purpose plant that produces a fruit which is known to be nutritious and tasty. This will allow us to produce a much-needed nutritional product that works superbly well for the human body. It is also building a new brand from an exotic plant, FRUIT, and at the same time FOR US to enjoy its consumption.

About Soursop
Soursop fruit hanging from plant.

Soursop is a very nutritious fruit and plant, tasty and is also a great cash crop. Once matured, it will constantly produce more from its crops each year. These plants will not need to be replenish and will continue producing from generation to generation.

The Soursop plant is a multi-purpose plant which is packed with multiple nutritional values and has rarely been in the marketplace. The Soursop tree has a dense crown full of dark green, laurel-like leaves which have a spicy sort of aroma when crushed. The tree has a high tolerance of alkaline soils, drought and is easily propagated from seed, it begins to produce fruit steadily when closer toward three years after planting.

Open ripe fruit with seeds inside.

The Soursop fruit can be eaten raw from hand, in juices, ice cream, blended drinks and the like. Soursop is one of the minor crops that is gaining popularity because of its economic uses. The substance from both this plant and its fruit is nutritious for the human body, the fruit pulp is rich in vitamins B, C, potash, phosphorous and calcium.

The edible portion is 70% with food energy of 63 calories and the sugar content ranges from 4 to 14%. Because of its many economic uses and great demand in the processing industry, especially in producing soursop drinks, expansion and more production is encouraged to meet its demand.

Consequently, the crop is now gaining its prospect in the world market. Soursop plants will not need to be replenished and is also known to be a great cash crop. After maturity it is the fact that this plant will continue to produce from generation to generation.

TropiNutriCell - Company Project Description
Now let us make that quite clear for you!

TropiNutriCell is simply the name of a project that was put together by the storyteller who has been working on this project for over the past 8 years. Therefore, this conceptual opportunity is still at the projection stage. Since we do not have any operations going on as yet, we are looking for a startup partnership who could help us financially to set up and get this tropical fruit orchard up and running.

TropiNutriCell was founded in mid-2015 when Everton Elliott was at the time operating as a Chauffeur. He thought about this by listening to other people's physical, mental and wellbeing needs, from then onward he begins his research. During the midst of him searching for this tropical fruit "Soursop", which is still a rare exotic tropical fruit and is always difficult to find in our local shopping markets of the United States of America. However, he began his search anyway, while still trying to locate this exotic fruit “Soursop.” Until he was able to arrive with much logical information regarding the outcome towards the human body when this fruit is consumed. Even though Everton had known soursop from his youthful days, it was never known by him how neutralizing the body could become when adding the use of “Soursop” to someone’s diet.

Anyway, because of all that information he gathered while searching on the internet for this tropical fruit he thought he would turn his research into a project. While his studies took him through all the many channels and connections that provided him with all the more information, he collected on the many thing that “Soursop” can and cannot do for the human body, he decided he would give the name of the project TropiNutriCell.

Before anything would happen to this plan, the intention is to start a much-needed Enterprise that would in the near future create a new line of products from an exotic plant/fruit, known to work superbly well towards the benefits of nutritional health for the human system. We are also trying our best to let everyone understand that all we are trying to do here is to spread the word to let others know the importance of this project and how important it is for us to have it in the food industry and especially in the international market.

Field Expert Masterpiece

We were basically raised as farm boys and have the know how to operate an orchard to produce great crops, as we have learned from our elders. We have the expertise of knowing how to set up and operate any massive fruit orchard for such cultivation towards this intent.

Soursop plants will not need to be replenished; it is also known to be a great cash crop. The soursop plant is a multipurpose tree that produces a fruit known to be very nutritious and tasty too. After maturity it will continue to produce from generation to generation. We also have the ability to make it work in order to offer ratios of different price ranges to fulfill our consumer's need according to any ongoing competitive market.
  1. Presentable orchard settings
  2. Nice clean crop to meet any market
  3. Very well matured produce
  4. Suitable for a prolong shelf life
Distribution Channel

We have already done a distribution analysis between the U.S & Canada where we have found this fruit to be rare and has been doing only by 6% of distributors throughout the United States & Canada. Because of its scarcity, soursop fruit has a high marketing ratio of over 90% wide open worldwide. We have also communicated with over sixty distribution companies (36 US Distributers and 26 Canadian Distributors) who are willing to acquire our produce as soon as we are ready to have it deliver to their distribution centers'.

Market Analytics Specialist

Part of our studies have also led to prove fact that distribution of this fruit to be rare in the marketplace and was done only by 6% of distributors. Because of that fact, also showing the scarcity of soursop fruit has caused it to have a high marketability ratio of over 90% wide open.

By doing further searches for this fruit in the marketplace, it led to discussion with many people from around the globe who already know this fruit and know the outcome when used. From doing this research, it also led us to the decision to create a marketing plan research. We came upon numerous amount of people who are also trying to find this fruit, the numbers were enormous.

From ongoing studies we've doing on the soursop fruit shows it has still been rare in the marketplace and this is something we should not give up on. Personally, I have now lived in the United State for more than a decade, finding a market that sells soursop is always difficult. Soursop has been cultivated in small quantities causing it to carry a high marketing rate of US$10-15 per pound. Because it is so expensive, the fruit sometimes rots on store shelves, making it even more difficult to supply.

As a result, here is where we saw the need keeps coming back for us to have an operation of a massive production orchard to cultivate this rare exotic fruit, OMG it carries such delicious flavoring taste too. This will allow us to produce the fruit in mass quality by which means this will allows us the affordability to lower the cost to where this produce can become more affordable in the marketplace. Doing just that will help the product to have a steady flow throughout the marketplace. Meanwhile this will continue to turn out steady cash flow, once we can produce enough to continue supplying the world market with enormous quantities of sales.

Future Plans

Not before long when our orchard becomes more mature, we are looking forward to setting up a much-needed business enterprise that would later create a manufacturing sector that will launch a new line of nutritional products. The new product line will come into effect with the intent to create a new line of products known to work superbly well towards supporting, boosting & prolonging the benefits of nutritional energy in each and every human system. His manufacturing sector will be supplied with fruits from his very own tropical fruit orchard of exotic plants & fruit.

Ice Cream Video

It is possible to create a product line making Blended Juices, Ice Cream, Jelly, Juices, Sherbet, Yogurt and the like made from the Soursop fruit as well as juices made from plant leaves, stems and bark. We are also looking into creating a new insecticide, can be made from fruit seeds. All these can be created from the production of our very own soursop orchard. All these can be created from the production of our very own soursop orchard. We should be ready to supply major markets such as: distributors of commercial terminal market groups, Whole Foods Market, BJ's, SAM'S, Walmart and others within 3-5 years of production, with bulk drops to their distribution centers.

Advertising Channels

With today's modern technology advantage advertisement has gone to an enormous range of choices from which many will allow free service (X | Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram | Tumblr | Myspace etc.). If need to pay, (News Paper | TV | Radio Broadcasting | X | TikTok | YouTube etc.) the prices are very competitively outstanding as the competition is at a higher range.

Funding Proposal

Presently, We have a vision worth working for and could really use some help. We are looking to raise funds to create a tropical fruit orchard in Jamaica, to cultivate a rare tropical fruit called “Soursop.” This is a role that would be financially impossible for us to develop by ourselves. Can you please help us?

Currently, once the plants become mature, from our first 50 acres we are looking to clear above US$3,000,000 in average monthly sales. We have many supporting documents, including the business plan, ready to share upon request. This is regarding the funding that we are seeking for. Plans are to first raise the funds needed to develop the orchard then begin marketing the fruits internationally while plants are still growing towards maturity stage.

Our startup business is seeking US$10 million in early-stage business funding, to grow our agriculture startup business in Jamaica. All funds do not have to be acquired in one lump sum. Half, which is the startup portion of US$5 million could be presented at the beginning. The remaining portion of the funds could be shared into two separate portions or as needed. This is to support our ongoing expenses during the first three-year period while the plants will still be on the way towards maturity.

Currently, our full intention is to use the funds we raise for the purposes of:
Business Acquisition
    o Property Purchase
    o Plants Propagation
    o Water Supply
    o Labor
    o Field Tools and Equipment
    o Property Security
        Administrative Operation and Supplies, along with some other expected expenses 
        we will have just before the plant’s maturity. 

Franchise Funding
    o Tropical Fruit Crop

Sales Income Profitability Rundown From Net Profit:
· 1st Yr. (US$4,215,634)
· 2nd Yr. (US$1,237,078)
· 3rd Yr. US$17,473,358
· 4th Yr. US$22,038,206
· 5th Yr. US$33,880,706

Investment Fund Return

    Waiver of Payment Plan:
  1. Since this Tropical Fruit "Soursop" will take 3 years before maturity and production, at this time we have no choice but to please seek a waiver of loan payment for the first three years of operations. Therefore, please allow as follow; for the first three years we are offering to pay back just the interest on the loan, then as soon as the third year catches up, we will get caught up by paying the first three missing years of payment in a great big way of paying all three missing years in a tremendous mass amount to cover the three missing years thereof.
  2. Return on investment will begin after the first crop which is after the 3 years growth period to that maturity stage.
  3. Average return/month payment will continue at: US$183,333 which includes 10% interest on investor's funding.

A partnership plan is also welcome:
    o +20% profit share in ownership is also available to investors.

This is towards the funding we are looking for:
There are many supporting documents, including the business plan, ready to share upon your request. Showing the affordable quotation on an income statement worksheet, projection of goods sale worksheet, will show the breakdown of a onetime investment, along with the ongoing expenses worksheet across the 3-5 years’ period of operation. Please, don't forget that investment partner (s) will have the right to visit the site at any time, to make sure that our words are put in practice as promised all the way throughout this operation.

Hope to hear from you soon, as we are passionately looking forward to taking this discussion to the production level as soon as possible.

Kind Regards

Everton Elliott (Founder & Director)

Business Partner
Rev. Dr. Hensekh: Business Personnel
Phone: 570-664-3077 ٠ Email:

Project Name: TropiNutriCell Orchard

E-mail Address:

Phone: 860-549-4933

+ 20% ownership profit share - investment partnership to investor

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